【間もなく終売】復刻版「はっちゃけあやよさん1-5 Renovation」を収録した、Windows向けのゲームが付いてくるあやよ本。在宅支援政策の緊急発売は、もう少しで終了予定です! お早めに!

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Good night amazing friends :) renovation work starts tomorrow

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Los caminos dificiles a menudo conducen a destinos maravillosos.!

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No vivas para que tu presencia se note, sino para que tu ausencia se sienta.
~Bob Marley~

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Buenos día, ánimo, arriba " alevantarse" A veces hay que pasar por caminos difíciles para llegar a destinos maravillosos y perdurables en el tiempo.!
a todos

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Lo que es dificil, hazlo posible.
Lo que es corto, hazlo intenso.
Lo que vale la pena, hazlo inolvidable.
a todos.

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working low and slow improving on the foundations and having fun with renovations.. but this that here is a character in development who might be tasked with the unavoidable!

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Todo sanará
Tu cuerpo sanará.
Tu corazón sanará.
Tu mente también lo hará.
Tu alma se reparará a sí misma y la felicidad volverà a tu vida.
Los tiempos malos vinieron a enseñarte algo, no a quedarse.!

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La magía y la belleza están a nuestro alrededor, pero son pocos los que logran entenderla..

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La verdad en si misma solo puede ser alcanzada dentro de uno mediante la más profunda meditación y conciencia.
- Buda.
a todos...

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Lessons and Learnings; March 22, 2018, two career fire fighters, died following a structure collapse while working to extinguish hot spots following a structure fire in a 140-year old mill building Type IV under renovation that occurred on the previous day https://t.co/93zSo0WjNl

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Buenos día, ánimo, arriba "alevantarse " Emocionarse por la felicidad de otros es ser feliz dos veces.
<Decreto una vida llena de abundacia para todos>.
a todos

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ホロライブの音楽レーベル 所属VsingerのAZKiさんの楽曲「猫ならばいける」を公式Renovationさせていただきました!好きにしていいとのことでPopながら弊社らしくAmen刻みまくってブレイクコアな部分もある楽曲になっています!リリースお楽しみに!

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Withington Baths’ next big project has just been given the green light! ✔

We’re undertaking a complete renovation of our sauna and surrounding area to create a luxurious new sauna space.

For the full story visit https://t.co/64Bi3j4BDV

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The Gaiety Theatre closed in 1939. The building was in need of renovation to bring it up to modern standards. The Theatre also stood in the way of a proposed road scheme to connect with the then new, Waterloo Bridge.

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and here's the patreon reward for last month!

Victor spends his spare time volunteering at the local orphanage for were-kids, helping out with renovations and spending time with the kids whenever he can

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Hi I’m still alive but I’m still in the middle of unpacked things due to my house renovations 😅 It’s quite easy to pack but for me it’s hell to unpack 😭💦💦 I need Toast and Toaster and friends to help me unpack 😂😂😂

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Fun, windswept tour of this morning. Great to see all the renovation work going on there, and a chance to say thanks to Alfred Bird for instant custard.

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Me: working from home and on a phone meeting

Neighbors doing renovation:

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important new Goji renovations. I really hated how toned and thin I drew him and I am immensely happier now .The lack of dadbod apprentices are showing. 😔

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