23 March is Ushigome Rimi’s birthday!!!

Happy birthday to Poppin’Party’s bassist! Thank you for always supporting PoPiPa in your own way!

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[Call for Courage 振り絞った勇気] Ushigome Rimi(牛込りみ)

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[Starry Days スターリィデイズ] Ushigome Rimi(牛込りみ)

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[Soulful ソウルフル] Ushigome Rimi(牛込りみ)

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY RIMI! Rimi has a massive crush in Kaoru, she easily gets shy around her and it was implied in many comics that she gives Kaoru chocolates on valentines day! lets eat a lot of choco cornets today with this lesbian flag picked by her card

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today is officially Rimi birthday in Japan!!!!!

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i want it but i have no stars and so many rimi 4 stars..

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I’ve noticed that theses are the first rimi cards with so many focused details

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The pink oreos with Rimi’s name and hearts on it 🥺

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<新しいカードNew Card>

Ushigome Rimi(牛込りみ) 4⭐️(Birthday)

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she is the only character i have only positive, un-ruined memories of she is a sweetheart, i <3 her.
most notable is when she got the card with a gun and i realized how much i like her and that hating her is lame bc she's so <33
pairing wise taerimi is good they're cute c:

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rimi my schlime


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rimi teaching me dance moves

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second rarepair of the dayyy is rimisaki! (submitted) rimi from popipa and misaki from harohapi! they take care of each other & go on coffee dates!

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