Formless shadow resolves into a flurry of thick ropes of jet black flesh, twisting wetly into one another like an orgy of enormous larva pressed suddenly against the great seeing stone from the other side. on

4 45

"Do you think this is the first world I have taken, boy? I have consumed countless others across oceans of time …and each brought me closer to yours."
- Silus of the Rift on

3 41


15 50

There's a new SplinterChampion from one of our outstanding community artists! This Epona fanart from overlood is fantastic. You can grab one at the link below and help us support more community artists:

15 86

Stepping into the light, the robed figure draws the hood back, revealing a hairless face of stone, eyes shifting to a smoldering scarlet, the neck collared by a thick braided torq of bronze. on

7 59

Today's community spotlight is on some great fanart of one of the most infamous rewards cards in history, Creeping Ooze, by eustace-kidd! Drop by and let them know what you think:

4 55

Sportoken has been begun with idea. We aim to make schools are sport goods which can not reach them in an easily way. We believe fairity in the universe and work for that.

14 28

Today's community spotlight is on this awesome Grum fanart from astrocreator! Be sure to check out the blog and all of the other great fanart that they've made:

9 60

Today we're featuring brataka, another talented artist, in the community spotlight! The River Nymph looks great in this style and brataka has done several other nice pieces that you can find on their blog:

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Today's community spotlight is on a nice throwback fanart of an alpha/beta unit from victartex! Their take on the Dark Enchantress works really well and the color palate is great!

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9 23

Today's community spotlight is on some great fanart of the Venari Wavesmith from badtripz! Nice to see some art of a different type of unit. Let badtripz know who you want to see next:

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Today's community spotlight is on the winning art post from last week by davideazul. What an awesome Mischievous Mermaid! If you want to see more like this, be sure to let them know:

11 71

Bila ada gejala spt flu, segera istirahat dan isolasi mandiri selama 5 hari. Tidak harus tes Covid dan tidak harus minum obat antivirus bila hanya gejala ringan, tidak ada komorbid. Konsumsi makanan bernutrisi. Jangan cemas dan panik. Bila dibutuhkan bisa manfaatkan telemedisin.

202 546

Wonder what the next Chaos Legion airdrop card could be... 🤔Is it a really tough looking support card or beefy tank? Maybe some sort of battle mage? Hmm. What's your guess for attack type and abilities?

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Today's community spotlight is on this epic battle fanart from artgraf! Grum and Queen Mycelia are locked in the heat of battle and we can't help but wonder who came out victorious. We're gonna say Grum.

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If you bought Chaos Legion packs from the shop, be sure to stop by and check to see if you got an airdrop of the new legendary card: Spirit Hoarder. It should be a pretty strong support card!

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Today's community spotlight is on this awesome Lyanna Natura fan art from overlood! What other characters would you like to see in this style? Stop by the post and let overlood know what you want next:

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