When creating our characters in I always keep in mind that they are not just gunslingers, but also insects. So it is quite important to retain some of the characteristics, specific body parts and also (if possible) the overall silhouette.

3 14

I'm working on this composition that I like, but the pose is just so similar to some recent paintings. I really like the pose as it easily portrays a powerful silhouette. I like it so much that it's literally in my signature.

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Current progress on the design as an overview!
Just wanted to get a good look at how the current direction for the chest piece fit with the rest of the silhouette. the rest of the design will get it's own design steps soon!

Lemme know what you think!

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Charles James put incredible craftsmanship into each one of his gowns, like this swan gown that blends crisp pleating with a curved silhouette. Modeled by his wife Nancy.

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"A mark five?!"

Nothing after CE captured why i liked the Mark V, i feel. Those constant cast shadows on the visor, the weirldy reflective gel-like texture, the chunky silhouette. Itt's so nostalgic, so i tried to capture it while also letting my tech style bleed into it a bit~

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Hey guys, just a personnal stuff. I tried something different, I wanna explore a bit more & Make something else :) I made this one with the top left random silhouette.

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New Boss incoming, still have a bit more to do but here is a silhouette.
More updates in the coming days, stay tuned!

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You can't make this shit up it looks worse than this fucking fan movie and its just a silhouette.

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Just got my character commission from and it is awesome! The experience was a pleasure from start to finish. My western wizard lives forever in glorious silhouette. :)

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Day 04 - I decided to do another one kind of similar to the last because it’s kind of fun just playing with lighting and silhouette. 😁

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Experiment to paint an angel in Hollywood Cemetery. This uses color blocking and silhouette. 11x14, Acrylic on canvas board.

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Roman Loranc (2012)

Angel Silhouette.

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Belly Laugh Sticker. Got the idea after last Sunday after seeing some that used to stalk me that looked like a cross between a 60s silvery white Christmas trees and an Amazonian Yeti dressed wearing shorts way to tight that things looked like a silhouette.

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A cardinal sin to dedicate triangles to tiny details when her breast area has so few. Bad distribution but.. meh! Not even sure why I've put reinforcement lines that add very little to the silhouette. Sloppy! 😂

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Mind Palace pt 6
As footsteps approach you scurry back into bed just as the dim hallway light washes over you. In the darkness you feign sleep, squinting to observe the sickly silhouette. Don’t. Move.
In a blink they’re gone, retreating down the stairs.

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"I go through phases. Somedays I feel like the person I'm supposed to be, and then somedays, I turn into no one at all. There is both me and my silhouette. I hope that on the days you find me and all I am are darkened lines, you still are willing to be near me."
— Mary Kate Tesk

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This character had such an interesting silhouette. If the game wasn't so obscure, she'd fit nicely in Smash... though that move could get annoying.

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J'ai à peu près ma silhouette. Je teste différentes armures.

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"A new terror stalks the darkness; her appearance strikes me as more intense than the others after but a glimpse of her haggard silhouette." Such a fun piece to work on! Thanks for the inspiration !!

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