Happy Eid Mubarak 1442 H
Minal Aidin Walfa Idzin
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin, Mohon maaf atas kesalahan dan kekhilafan yang saya perbuat, semoga menjadi berkah
Sehat selalu buat semuanya

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The room is full of music

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Envoys of Gaia! We dedicate this day and the upcoming ones to all mothers and especially mothers gamers who in the midst of so much work, still manage to make time for their hobby! You all are incredible! 😍

and Play Aura Kingdom

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~...She Gave ME Birth
She Gives ME Love
She Teaches ME To Smile
She Is the Light Of MY Way

🌹I Love You MOM🌹
Happy Mother's Day
Be Always With ME

It's The WOMAN
Behind EVERYONE...~

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Good Morning Peeps

it's going to be a day of blue skies, we just need some warmth to go with it 🌞
light at the end of the tunnel getting brighter

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って、言える日常になりたいなぁ…:( ´꒳`):

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O Dia a Dia da Pandemia - A Série
Ilustração 5 de ?
Uma videoconferência desastrosa.

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調子に乗って こんなのを❣️🤣

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みどりの日ということで、1年前に描いたのを手直し😅 おうちでメタル🤘 Midoriさんの代表曲というか バイツの代表曲になったこの曲ふたたび見ましょう❣️

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