Hab ein kleines Jerboa gemalt für die Tageschallenge
Thema war: ein kleines Tier :)
Die Jerboas sind nicht nur klein sondern auch total knuffig, oder was meint ihr :)
Aber ich werd einfach kein Freund von dem Satinierten Pa… https://t.co/foT8oEfRSO

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My art again and this time is
Hope my artwork look good enough

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It's so hot out there.
What are you doing to cool off?
Es ist so eklig schwül und heiß da draußen.
Was machst Du denn um Dich abzukühlen?

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Inspiration can also be found in waiting rooms.
One sketch per day :) Month: April
Topic of Week 16: Garden
Day 2: Flowers .

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"The Doctor"
[Aka Leopold Fitz]

The Doctor is one of the most twisted villains in the show and Iain's performance is superb.

I had to paint him.

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I made a fan art of Miss Abbott and Doctor ❤️🌺 She's so relatable ❤️

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Unapologetic Voyager fan here.... what was your favorite star trek?

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Mejor guion/historia:
Pokémon My Spirit, de y
The Wonderful World of Pokémon, de y TheDoctor
Pokémon Züruck, de , , y

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Mejor puesta en escena:
Pokémon My Spirit, de y
The Wonderful World of Pokémon, de y TheDoctor
Pokémon Züruck, de , , y

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A new challenge in 2018

One sketch per day :) 2. Day Topic of Week 1: Draw the content of your cupboard or drawer.

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