“Bicycle Ride” by uknown artist (USSR, 1960s)

29 137

Perang Arab-Israel 1948, 1967 & 1973 lagi berpotensi membawa kepada perang dunia berbanding sekarang.

Waktu tu US sokong Israel, USSR sokong Arab/Palestin. Clear cut.

Sebab tu negara2 spt Korea Utara & Cuba sampai now tak iktiraf Israel.

Tapi keadaan sekarang sangat berbeza. https://t.co/dEQlL23Rib

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He also travels to the USSR and encounters some truly monstrous beasts that have been quarantined behind a giant metal-plated wall.

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Anyway, here is one of my old drawings. Sooner or later, there would be all my works which I have done for this year being in CH fandom.
Have a nice day, fellas))

4 109

Em vừa đẻ hàng OTP đáyyy
Vì thế hãy gọi em là Kảmi hảd-workingggg

16 474

russian revolutionaries
(the left one (lmao) is ussr ;^) )


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“Woman in the Hammock” by Yuri Pimenov (USSR, 1934)

4 32

16th c. Khan’s Palace in Bakhchisarai, Crimea, Ukraine. Political, cultural, spiritual center of Crimean Tatars. Partially vandalized by Russian empire in 18th, USSR in 20th & Putin’s Russia in 21st c.

Yet, still mighty beautiful 🕌

ph: Reanas, sergemi, Mliss / depositphotos

119 599

вообще тут маленькая отсылка к одному советскому плакату и хоть эта картинка кажется милой но она достаточно грустная

2 28

— Да ты просто безумец! Дикая псина, пытающаяся казаться человеком! Ты хоть думаешь, во что ты пытаешься влезть?! — сквозь зубы рычал Иван, подходя ближе к Леонхардту.


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Some 1st May covers from the magazine '#Chess in the USSR' in the 1950s.

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FROM ESTONIA: Evald Okas’s female portraits—some done in his many travels across the world as a USSR Academy of arts representative—dazzle with their variety and all seem to be done from a respectful distance, where the brush will only take in as much as the protagonist reveals

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On this day in 1945 soldiers raised the Soviet flag over the in Berlin, this iconic image represents the defeat of Nazi Germany.
More than 20 mln Russians died during the Great Patriotic War.

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Cover of the magazine Tekhnika Molidiozhi (Technology for the Youth), USSR, No. 2, 1954

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the quote of this DTIY is from my favorite novel, ANIMAL FARM 🐷 !

Reposted from
Theme: This, USSR
Challenge: DTIYS

Tag me so I can see it and use

0 2

Zavodila (it's his name?) his so looks like USSR from ch lmao

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