Good morning, everyone~
I hope you had amazing dreams 💖

We started 2022 with a milestone! There's 1700 of you here with me! 0//0
Soo many! Thank you, each and every one of you 💖
I'll do my best, this year~

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Last hour for me~ 💖

I'm glad I decided to embark onto this journey, in September~
Thank you, everyone 💖

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Hoping that you're having an amazing day, happy new year's Eve!

Let's do our best next year to reach our goals, to be kind to ourselves 💖

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Good morning, everyone~
I hope you had amazing dreams 💖

New year's Eve is here!
Do you have any last minute things you want to do? Are you going to relax or do you have to work?
Do your best and make sure to take a break, too! 💖

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Thank you for the tag~

Three goals for 2022:
🌟 Work on bigger projects!
🌟 Experimenting with streaming~
🌟 Making you guys happy 💖

If you want to try this, consider yourself tagged! Good luck on your goals in 2022 💖

1 12

Take a deep breath.
Close your eyes.

You got this.
I believe in you. 💖

1 13

Good morning, everyone!
I hope you had amazing dreams 💖

It's a little late for me to wake up, but it's okay!
See you all later on stream~

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Thank you all so much for coming to the stream!
I hope you had fun chilling with me today!
We raided , whose birthday is today! Go show Eve some love 💖

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We're live~
Relaxing Fall Guys practice, here we come~

Link in bio and down below :3

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Good morning, everyone!
I hope you had amazing dreams c:

I also hope my connection is stable enough to stream-
I'll be playing some Fall Guys, since I wanted the first two lives about Opus to be near each other!
Hope to see you there! 💖

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If you're feeling overwhelmed, if you're feeling like you're not doing enough

Take a step back. Go grab something to eat, if you haven't already, take a sip of water and a deep breath.

You're doing great 💖

5 20

Good morning, everyone~
I hope you had amazing dreams 💖

We actually got to 251 followers on Twitch ;//;
Thank you all so much~
See you all there later today for Opus: Echo of Starsong~

3 12

End of the year networking thread~

Post your links and pngs, introduce yourselves! I'll retweet everyone! c:

Let's spread some love~ 💖

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Good morning, everyone~
I hope you had amazing dreams 💖

I'll be posting my streaming schedule later today~
I got a new game I'm excited to try **

2 12

Good morning, everyone~
I hope you had amazing dreams and that you spent a great day~
Today really doesn't feel like Sunday, ahh xD

I'll be posting my Bullet journal 2022 setup later today~

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You will keep on cheering for me, right? Hun Hun!
Am I your number1 virtual angel and idol? I hope it!! Hun Hun! «No hesitation it's for my destination!» 💗👾 you know? Hehe!

1 18

Buone Feste ^-^ so che non sempre stare in famiglia è rilassante, ma voglio ancora credere un po’ nella magia del Natale ~
Come dici? Sei intollerante al lattosio? Non ti preoccupare, anche io *wink wink*

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