This drawing is for who asked me for this Chinson / Korea Request, I hope you like :)

Chinson / Corea belongs to

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This drawing was created by

Haji / Rumania belongs to

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This other drawing was created by

from Rodrygo / Nicaragua and lewis / Panama hope you like it :)

Rodrygo/ Nicaragua and Lewis / Panama belong to

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This drawing was created by
from lewis / Panama hope you like it :)

Lewis / Panama belong to

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This drawing is for my new friend candle.l1ght :
from lewis / Panama hope you like it :)

Lewis / Panama belong to

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Drawings by sunui.ghost
Zasa, Guillermo, Batis, Lewis, Delgado, Rodryguez and the others belong to

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This drawing was created by

Chinson / Corea belongs to

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I wanted to try this app, it is very fun, although I prefer to draw, well I leave Commander Ursula created with this app

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Commander Ursula with Cruijff / Netherlands here I refer to the manga, since Cruijff is also attracted to ursula, so much that he cannot even see her face to face without blushing and getting nervous, thus changing the color of her hair from blonde to Orange.

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An oriental gathering 💦😈

Chison / Corea and Kamamoto / Japón belong and Aaron / China to worldflags

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Well, this drawing of the Baltic trio I did for my friend from discord AL, I hope you like it 🙂
Sergei / Latvia, Erki / Estonia and Skerla / Lithuania belong to

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Well, here we have Kamamoto / Japan vs Rodrygo / Nicaragua in a friendly match, I hope you like it :)

Kamamoto / Japan vs Rodrygo / Nicaragua belong to

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Kamamoto / Japan x Chison / Korea decided to have another meeting together but this time the roles changed a bit 😈

Chison / Corea and Kamamoto / Japón belong to worldflags

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I drew Drogba of Ivory Coast, cuz there are not many fanarts of African’s samurai.

And I like the name : Côte d’Ivoire.

( ok just saying, I’m a French speaker )

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