Doodle for one the most lovable but vicious penguins in all of Ooo, Gunter! Hide your bottles: Lil’ Goonts will find you 🐧

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11:49pm, and THANK GOD I didn't miss my chance to tweet about 👌

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Thank god I learned that it was before succumbing to jet lag this evening! Here’s Dottie and a penguin sizing each other up.

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Love penguins One of my favourite things to paint

Yippee (C) Bullock

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We didn't think your had enough penguin facts, so here are some more.

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Henry Stacy Marks
Study Of A Penguin
31.1 x 22.2 cms | 12 1/4 x 8 3/4 ins

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A moment of penguin zen. 🐧#worldpenguinday

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In Dreamland, everyday is Penguin day.

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It's so here's some...oh, you're ahead of me

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