Ooooh, spooky artshare. Fun 🎃
And because you asked, my favorite candy is sour gummi worms.


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Plus some of 's fine work on Waitomo, really capturing that magic you feel when down there immersed among the glowworms...

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Project for Design Fundamentals! The last picture reminds me of the "fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair" monster from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Also worms.

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The Kin are the mysterious ancient inhabitants of the land where the town is set, very different in appearance and function, from the beautiful and tragic Herb Brides to the dull and strong Worms.

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The moment I pulled out one of the logs, a swarm of flies suddenly emerged from beneath it all. Something was left burnt below all the stash of chopped wood and it was crawling with maggots - or probably a mix of maggots and woodworms.

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Is better than

No, but I didn't feel in the mood to post that yesterday, so here you go.

Give her a job to do, and she MIGHT even do it before she stabs you!

".....Don't push it worms."

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DAY 18: CHORUS WORMS. The Chorus Worms are a trio of exact minded worms who like to hide in dark nook and crannies so they can pop their heads out at some passerby and, in unison, shout some vague, foreboading message at them in a loud booming voice.

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Some drekir digging worms from the ground. For your typical hunter-gatherer red meat is a rare treat so to make up for that deficit in the diet bugs are commonly gathered and eaten. It does help that insects and bugs in the dragonscape are much larger, such as these earthworms.

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hi so im watching the gravity falls commentary track and i once again have brain worms.

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Listening to the crew talking about worms & started going on a research "deep dive" about arrow worms. Then started looking at species found in waters including Eukrohnia hamata. Then found this fabulous image via

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Phil and Lil love eating worms. ❤️ 🐛 Did you eat anything weird when you were a baby?

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(body horror, worms, eye horror, mouth horror, (think I got it all? They're worms on a string but hey)

Icon for ! Too many worms?... Too many worms.

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Khun & Elaine for

This one here isn’t really a pairing haha.....just brainworms......exploring potential scenarios/interactions between 10GF kids

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Inktober 2020 - Day 1- ‘Fish’ WORM BONUS

Ohhh man I’ve missed drawing my awful rabbit eared, crab-legged smile tubes.

They’re called grinning worms. I drew them as an angsty teen and now I draw them as a cynical adult.

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It’s not only pigeons... it’s also catfish earworms.

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A few more bookworms.

See the whole set of 11 here:

or pick up a print here:

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Some favourites from an illustrated series about people that love to read (like me!).

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„Come...Let us cast aside titles and pretense, and reveal our true faces to one another...“

Do Not mind me feeding my hades x Azem brainworms...

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BLOOD AND WORMS. So, like, what if Beelzebub was compelled to be Corruption by ancient otherworldly fears and did the Jane Prentiss. Thing. God I love drawing these two disaster characters.

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