Yamero!!! Esto es demasiado triste

39 154

yamero... YAMEROOO!!! 😭😭😭

15 82

at the sarazanmai pre-screening event

ikuhara: well i chose murase in part because he can do that high girl's voice
murase: :)
ikuhara: and ucchi is the seiyuu most likely to smoke pot
ucchi: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAMERO
mamo: UCCHI! don't!!
ucchi's literal face:

210 436


1 3

When I want all the boops: ("/)ω(\" )~ˢᵗᵒᵖ ᶦᵗ
When I don't want any boops: ( -`O´-)!!!YAMEROOO!!!

92 349