never really drew mugman before so here he is 😼

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PSA to Uh- Werner Werman for Season 2 of . Yes please, let me see my b o i. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.

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sorry cupheadtwt and batim fans. you all have to deal with my cringe ship now

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I think I’m having an art block rn

But it’s alright I at least got to doodle both of them:]

2 18

Pokémon Trainer Ela!!!!
Look at the lil phantump <3
reawakened my love for Pokémon and them funky lil creatures.

What are y’all’s fave Pokémon? Mine is sweet lil piplup

1 18

hello guys let me in I do art (looking for moots) 💞✌️🐁

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HI IG ILL BE JOINING YOU ALL!!! follow me im a lesbian and the devil’s best friend (real)

9 59

mentioned ruffly hair and so ruffly hair I must provide 💚

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New Story Alert! The Todoroki Twins! Go give it a read and let me know what you think!

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