i drew a friend. he doesnt have a name but hes v anxious. please be gentle

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Masaki mans the boutique apothecary shop when Jun drops by to buy oils for himself. He’s been so anxious. Masaki—both helpful and knowledgeable—gets Jun to purchase way more than he intended. When he gets home, he finds a note in the bag.

Jun smiles for the first time in days.

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You are strong for getting out of bed in the morning when it feels like hell. You are brave for doing things even though they scare you or make you anxious. And you are amazing for trying and holding on no matter how hard life gets.

Coping with anxiety: https://t.co/PJwxp9mxAE

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The photo of your car in my head is still making ME anxious. Rest!

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for real tho, i've been trying to find a way to say this for ages. i wanted to do something for june but was too anxious. so finally this morning on the way to bouldering i went "fuck it," bit down on my anxiety and made a terrible rhyme.

thanks for being cool y'all, ilu 💖

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"You don’t have to be positive all the time. It’s perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared, or anxious. Having feelings doesn’t make you a ‘negative person.’ It makes you human." ~Lori Deschene

Why "Be Positive" Isn't Great Advice: https://t.co/WXUwvHRWgd

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Hi I'm Tami I like drawing cute things, and splatoon it makes me feel less anxious. This probably are my best works🌸

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Lance's tolerance to mistakes and those with the inability to learn quickly is quite low for those he does not know well or like.
Geddy is the definition of clumsy, naïve, and anxious. So the two do not vibe well together.

April 20th, 2018

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I accidentally found my own way to doodle faster with less anxious from the latest work. It's just "sketch messy without cleaning or editing".

It's very basic, but previously I'm too worry to make my sketch more clean like a "pro" then become anxious. This one is better for me.

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I'm tired, depressed, anxious... so I drew my dreambean mascot. It's an Avon lavender and cream bear I got when I was 18 and had my first job. it's precious and small and smells nice and I love it.

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Winnie taking a breather. Could be better, but sitting on drawings for too long makes me anxious.

Winnie in flannel is a new favorite of mine.

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Drawing Murphy always makes me feel great! ✨But I always draw him looking anxious.
But he looks so cute! sorry Murphy🥰😘

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One of my furry OCs! Their name is Sammy and they're super anxious. I did this one before I started my project to draw all of them

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Sarah (Emo Bunny) suffers from an anxiety. In this short comic, she deals with a sudden panic attack while trying to go to sleep. Her anxiety is personified as a gruesome monster who harasses her and gets stronger as she becomes more anxious.

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May it be Netflix or YouTube, sometimes all you need is to take your mind off of what’s making you anxious. Uplifting shows and YouTubers are a must (Queer Eye, Marie Kondo, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye are good bets).

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This is Aubie she's an opossum. She's emotional and anxious. Shes a good bab

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✨Oh man, feeling so anxious. I know everything will work out for the best, but waiting is the hardest part. Waiting to hear back about an apartment we applied to, waiting (at the mercy of) both the NC & CT DMV, waiting to hear from lien holder, etc. Speaking of -- (1/2)

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My sister loves and especially Sansa ( ), so I drew Sansa as a gift to cheer her up. I spent the whole drawing process listening to "Ich gehör our mir" and screaming internally because I haven't drawn Sansa in a good long while and I was anxious.

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