Bye bye 2022, here comes 2023 with new art to be made, too~

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Cómo ya se va acabar el año,he decidido mostrar mi progreso de dibujo en este año. Les deseo un feliz año nuevo a todos 🐥🎉

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You easily forget how much you draw in a year! I'm happy that I was so creative in 2022 and got a lot of good art pieces done! I gotta focus on my comic a bit more, but I'm already on it ❤️

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Esse ano foi difícil pra minha cabeça em muitas áreas. Mas eu tô aqui e 2023 tá ai pra me dar outra chance de fazer rabiscos bobos e exageradamente complicados.

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Think these are my favorites from this year. I've made quiet an improvement since I started to draw again. Thanks to all those people that always liked my art regardless of quality.

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my 2022 art summary! 🌸💗💕
here's to drawing more pretty girls & boobies in 2023 💖💫

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looking back its kinda weird bc i had ULTRA art block in june and suddenly there was a turning point in july!!🤔✨✨

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It's still 2022, so here's my Art Summary

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It has been a year of improvement...may this year be productive as well too.

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This year I drew a lot more. It's not that I stopped doing pixel art, it's just that I posted little of it. Lots of different things here, from 3D to 2D, digital and traditional, I've branced out to many mediums. Image N°4 is not released yet, look forward to it.

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Enjoy doing this summary thing =). I will be working on being better next year, see you there 🥂

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It's been a shit year personally but a good year art-wise :,D

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I saw this template by floating around and wanted to try filling one up too! XD
It was harder to pick a drawing from each month than I thought!
Here’s to another year of drawing! XD

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Bueno amigos, realmente fue un bonito año lleno de dibujos, momentos y más encima que conocí artistas nuevos en especial de mi propio país, espero seguir mejorando y conociendo más gente como ustedes, los amo y feliz año nuevo xd

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Even though I wasn't as active as I was in 2021, I want to thank everyone who still decided to stick with me in 2022 💕 I hope I get to have more time for drawing and writing in 2023 again 🥺

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Happy new year everyone and here my Art Summary 2022 :)

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