We've raised £4,253 in our charity raffle so far. Help us get to £5,000!


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Our voice is growing stronger.

(Also: When your Asian parents imply they are proud of you = 😭, amirite?)

Please continue speaking out and supporting

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Please help my people be safe. Please care about what’s happening to us. There has been an astronomical rise in hate crimes against Asians/AAPI since the pandemic was weaponized against us. We need help. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 // art:

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Asian is Asian.
Virus is Virus.
Japanese or Chinese or Korean‥
Asian is not Virus.

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Just a few of the many, many racist incidents I’ve experienced. These aren’t even that bad compared to things my friends have experienced.

9 34

Newtype is owned and operated by Asian Americans. We must advocate and raise awareness. We're bringing back our stickers. All funds go to Stop AAPI Hate (https://t.co/s8b4gFPcdN). In addition, each dollar will be matched by our us. Let's spread this message and

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A follow up to my last comic, this time about normalizing racist behavior.

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If you’re Asian living in a non-Asian country, you’ve had someone point this out in a negative/offensive way at least once. The recent uptick in anti-Asian hate crimes is nothing new. It’s real & it’s been happening, from violent attacks to daily micro-aggressions.

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Our hearts go out to the friends and family of Vicha Ratanapakdee, as we continue to fight for a world where our community members can go for their morning walks and live without fear of being the next targets of brutal hate crimes.

Art by

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