We are Basic and we are Bears, We are Basically Bears 🐻

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Follow for chance to make the

14 17

It’s pride month so what would pride month be without a peak at the Pride Bear 🐻

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Opening Soon

Don’t forget to follow for a chance to get onto the

15 16

These strange conditions are tough😕

One good strategy is to buy the 📉
But don`t forget about those projects who hold strong and and did not had a Dip - instead they keep an uptrend 📈

I believe is perfect example for this😉

4 10

Some facts why I think that will get through this and take off during next 😉
🆙FP goes up
🤝 holds strong
🦍 adapts to current market conditions
😏Not to mention and

4 10

Someday they will create a documentary about the rise of and I'll have the memory of being here at the beginning and building a fortune through the

4 19

110% it is
They provide Gas free just to help our save, and to feel safe we all hold our staked Apes in our own wallets. Not to mention that our FP is raising during this 🤩
And all holders will receive

6 14


thank you for your inspiration 💫



38 122

What a nice weekend behind the back😌
Took a complete rest from and problems
This morning after a quick overview of what`s going on I see that still holds strong 🤩
FP is lava🌋
And our is on fire🔥

8 23

Been looking for a while now to add a . Woke up and saw my offer was accepted on this guy. So happy to join the fam!

34 110

tHrouGh take hiGhs aNd LowS sTay pOsiTivE aNd sTay oDd

99 281

Congratulations for picking up Bearmarket Gizmo! from Absolutely loved working on this peace!

2 14