Life in the park: why do people kill animals? Why are so many birds of prey being killed? The Moorland Association, a lobby group for grouse moor owners, has a new chair, who will hopefully tackle this problem......... (Images: BHL)

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Owls in the park: we keep hoping....... observe the life of Eagle Owl couple Lotte and Leo, in Eifel, Germany
........... (Image: BHL)

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Frogs in the park: we keep hoping........The tailless batrachians of Europe, by George Albert Boulenger and the Ray Society......2 vols, BHL/Harvard, 1897-88.....

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Moths in the park: moths have a crucial role as pollinators......Nocturnal pollinators strongly contribute to pollen transport of wild flowers in an agricultural landscape......... (Images: BHL)

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Owls in the park: we keep hoping........Differential fitness effects of moonlight on plumage colour morphs in barn owls ........ (Images: BHL)

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Birds of the park, and elsewhere: Iconographie des perroquets : non figurés dans les publications de Levaillant et de M. Bourjot Saint-Hilaire, by Charles de Souance et al, 1857, BHL/Field Museum of Natural History........

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Botanical illustration and the park: Sämmtliche Giftgewächse Deutschlands : naturgetreu dargestellt und all gemein fasslich beschrieben, by Eduard Winkler, 1831....BHL/New York Botanical Garden........

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Birds of the park, and elsewhere: Die Raubvögel Deutschlands und des angrenzenden Mitteleuropas, by Oskar von Riesenthal, 2 vols, 1876, BHL/Naturalis Biodiversity Center...........

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Natural history and the park: The natural history of Sokotra and Abdel-Kuri : being the report upon the results of the Conjoint Expedition to these Islands in 1898-9, by Mr. W.R. Ogilvie-Grant ... and Dr. H.O. Forbes ...1903, BHL/NCSU......

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Swifts in the park: Swift Mapper, to record swift nesting sites and hopefully prevent their further decline...... (Image: BHL)

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The 180,000th image uploaded to the BHL is a real showstopper!

This diverse colony of comes from "Zhuki Rossii i zapadnoĭ Evropy" (1905-1915), which presents a variety of beetles from Russia and western Europe. ⁣#SciArt in ➡️

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Red-footed falcons in the park; we keep hoping......... webcam of a red-footed falcon in Hungary....... (Image: BHL)

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Natural history and the park: Natuurkundige beschryving eener uitmuntende verzameling van zeldsaame gedierten.... by Arnout Vosmaer, 1804....BHL/Smithsonian........

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We may be closed for now, but you can still access many of the titles held in our library collection online via . BHL is the world's largest digital library for biodiversity literature, & Sturm's Flora von Deutschland is one of the titles we contributed.

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Tawny owls in the park: we keep hoping.......Testing Detectability of Radio-Tracked Tawny Owls Using Playback Broadcast Surveys: Designing Evidence-Based Surveys..... (Images: BHL)

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Caterpillars in the park, and elsewhere: Chronologischer Raupenkalender, oder, Naturgeschichte der europäischen Raupen : wie dieselben der Zeit nach in gewissen Monaten in der Natur zum Vorschein kommen, by CF Vogel, 1837, BHL/Smithsonian.......

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Wild flowers in the park, and elsewhere: please do not pick plants in the park.........BSBI Code of Conduct........ (Images: BHL)

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Botanical illustration and the park: The fruit grower's John Wright, illustrated by May Rivers.....1891-1894, BHL/University of California, 6 vols......

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Natural history and the park: Zoological illustrations, or, Original figures and descriptions of new, rare, or interesting animals ..... by W Swainson and G Bayfield, 2 vols, 1829-1833.....BHL/Smithsonian........

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Botanical illustration and the park: Thirty-eight plates, with explanations; intended to illustrate Linnaeus's System of vegetables, and particularly adapted to the Letters on the elements of T Marten and JJ Rousseau, 1799, BHL/Uni Toronto...

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