Day 02 - Way to Grow!
Okay this is technically cheating cause I already had this drawn but it took a while before they digivolved to rookie (Hybrimon), which happened after they were dragged into the digital world for the first time.

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Back to for a in an hours time.
Nearly time to digivolve my little buddy, Datamon!

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this is like....idk what my fursona digivolves to??? like their next level up?? this isnt even their final form tbh but just a lil concept i wanted to play w !!!!

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Meet my Angewomon ocs!! They protect digimon in danger! They all digivolve from digimon that arent Gatomon! Frigi was a Frigimon, Mei was a Meicoomon, and Sun was a Sunflowmon!!

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and here is one of my longest ships <3 i’m a HUGE takari fan, because they are both my fav characters and they look so good together! and ofc with their crests and both their digimon having holy digivolves... they are just mean to be!

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Guldo's Species can Digivolve into HIT,
Ala Impmon to Beelzemon

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So I've been playing Digimon: Cyber Sleuth recently
I accidentally digivolved my digimon into this goober, and instantly fell in love. Wanted to draw him really quick before jumping back in ~

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During her Digijourney Jack gets separated from Labramon. In this time she meets Botamon, a cutie who seems unable to digivolve.

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Finally finished it. Imani with her Digivolved Dragon. Struggled with the bg, but did some hardcore editing on it..
Hope you all like it :))

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When Digimon digivolved and just got a fresh pair of pants with a matching fit outta nowhere>>>>>

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Basically Soldier if it digivolved into its Ultimate Form. Love the floating Rayman-ish appendages. Color scheme is great, too. Love that shade of purple.

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digivolve up 1 more stage sis and we get the correct answer

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No points for guessing what Pietro digivolves into

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Gutsmon digivolves into his ultimate level,
Bou Gutsmon, the fiery will digimon.
He is capable to form astral arms via digital aura cultivation through immense training, making him almost as strong as a mega-level Digimon.

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After playing digimon cyber sleuth i fell in love with this champion digimon's design, Lekismon. Damn im not gonna digivolve it XD.

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Hi guys commission almost finished. Still debating on the backdrop color but I'm digging this scheme. Digivolve into Semenmon!

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I just wanna see T.K. trying to digivolve Patamon to Pegasusmon, only to get a Cactus wearing a sombrero, is that too much to ask?!?

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