I loved character <3

156 1108

Lopunny and Braixen wrestling
There is a bigger version with dialogues here

200 1220

Remember make your daily exercises!

221 1179

Remember warm up before a Poke adventure!

715 3427

It's 9:00Am here and Braixen wishes you a nice weekend! uvu
She is the last one of my pokeschool girls!
I hope u liked them!

213 1048

Yah we already know that

111 757

The new system of gyms in Pokemon go is finally working!!

144 792

It's 9:00 PM here and Meowstic wishes you luck in your studies uvu

96 616

It's 9:30 Pm here and Mismagius wishes you a nice Monday uvu

137 882

I just watched
Hand signs are love
It's 9:00 Am here and Gaghiel wishes u a incredible day with your fathers uvu

289 1164

Kat from Gravity Rush

153 832

It's 8:30 pm here and Lurantis wishes you a good evening uvu

119 669

Its midnight here and Kirlia wish u a good night! uvu

106 598

Its 6am here and Gaghs wish u a good morning! uvu

119 635

Choose your Pokeloli in detention

219 1114

Choose ur Pokeloli

252 1271

They are unique
Never stop loving her.

211 977