There’s some in here for Even have to learn how to ride a flake. Learning takes Sometimes I draw till my arms feel like jello. And then I draw some more! 😊

13 80

Oops, fiddled with this past deadline. 0.o For this week's - eucalyptus green. Something's changed with how I draw, I kept running out of movement room on my drawing tablet. Highly frustrating.

2 31

Doubling up on and using for December 7th. Out tonight so just checking in. Have a great weekend .

2 20

Not overwhelmingly coloured but my little tree climber's dress is a match!

26 187

Have only got time for a repost of one of last year’s Christmas cards for this week’s 🦈🦈

8 46

Quick little piece that is also for inspired by a bottlebrush tree I pass every day on my dog-walking route. I love it. But I didn't have time to really do it justice...

3 40

Once in a long while, the rare Arctic Giraffe is spotted in its natural habitat

3 37

Eucalyptus nicholii🌿

112 455

How do leaf midrib vestured pits contribute to drought resistance? Dunno jet but hard to stay focused in the dark.

1 9

(mostly) eucalyptus wreath! 🌿^_^

3 30