In occasione del 60° anniversario della compagnia, SEGA ha rilasciato ben 366 icone per festeggiare la ricorrenza.
Tra i titoli figurano esponenti del nostro genere preferito.

Quali sono gli RPG di SEGA che vi sono piaciuti di più?

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don't mind me dropping another one of these suckers here - WHY did someone ask me to do DORY? That's exactly asking me to do an impression of Ellen Degeneres

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Remember when Robert fucking De Niro produced this crazy shit featuring the voices of Jim Belushi, Ellen DeGeneres, Anne Heche, Christopher Reeve, Aerosmith, and Cher?

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Forgot to post my other Oc named Cortex. helped me with his child version and design generell uvu

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Hier sieht man schön die Verteilung des Bildes in der "Schwarz-Weiß" & wie sich diese auf die generelle Stimmung eines Bildes auswirkt. Viel Spaß mit dem Kesselballon.

*fängt leise Über den Wolken oder Fly Me To The Moon an zu singen - je nach deinem Geschmack*

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will is our music producer and digital designer here at The Home Brew! they’re a fantastic EDM producer with their first full length LP coming out soon! “Andromeda” is a rock opera style story told through different generes and music styles

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Today I drew Ellen Degeneres from for my character studies! Hope y'all like it!

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Grazie a "Quelli del fumetto" per questa diretta Instagram disponibile ora su YouTube: non parlo solo di Killer Loop'S, la mia prima graphic novel, ma anche di editoria e comics in genere

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reikase.... fukarei... whatever da ship name is

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just 2 boys looking at eachohtr or smth idk 😑.. fukarei ...

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Due guerre mondiali erano forse prodotto della logica? Il genere umano si dibatteva in paludi di assurdo, tenebra, mistero, Ma continuava a parlare di senno. Era una follia in sé.
La fiduciosa lucidità deiContemporanei era una pericolosa illusione


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“Today even in the toughest situation, U still have the power of love to embrace the day with a smile and send positive energies into the world 🌎❤️🙌👨‍👩‍👧‍👦”.~ Salwin Anand

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Difficile ma essenziale saper mantenere l'equilibrio. Buongiorno!

(Ci scusiamo per aver postato una foto di film inconsueto. Dai prossimi tuit torneremo al nostro amato genere postmoderno-futuristico-neorealista-Maffettoniano)

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ISABELLE DE PARIS è un anime di genere storico andato in onda in Italia negli anni 80, chi se lo ricorda?
Wizard09 ci regala una lunga recensione!

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ich hoff man sieht einigermaßen wer wer ist lolol
Farben sind aber auch generell variabel bei denen lel :^DD

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all have to see this Beauty. (warning tho) It could be scary for some due to Horror movies influencing us to think dolls are creepy but I just want to say that the engenereeing on These is so good for it's time and yeah I should stop, but here is a Little connor doll.

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