more money irl so i can buy primogems for ayaka (and win 50/50)

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Thank you Thoma.... ;-;
I wish I'll get more primos 🙏🛐

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I hope my test goes well and I can repatriate haitham and his weapon <3

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Les deseo a todos un excelente 2023!
Les deseo un año lleno de salud, amor y Mora.
Que la fortuna les sonría a todos y que no falte este año.

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I'm hoping to get some more diverse characters, more skin tones and more body types 🙏

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I got my fav 🥲

my wish for 2023 is to grow my platforms & have fun making content :))

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올해는 돈이 많이 들어오는 해가 되길

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our lord and savior zhongli please bless me with your greatness .

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Thank you for this event!

Wish? I would say being able to draw every character in-game!

Good luck Everyone!

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i wish everyone who is reading this to have a successful life and hope you are living life to the fullest. if unfortunate events are happening at the moment I pray you get through it <3

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