The Korean tale of Princess Bari tells the story of a girl abandoned by her parents after birth. She took a journey into hell to collect life-saving flowers and became a shamanic goddess, turning her unlucky birth story into powerful one.

A birthday thread for

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Here my shammy woman, I here from Hyo, thanks for chance interesting.
She’s name Xi'ang Y-Lon, shaman Earth Ring and lovely young wife one brave man, who teach shamanism.

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I made this art as the main picture for the biggest Russian psychedelic festival in 2017.
One of my favorite festival ever. Russian festivals are so wild, shamanic, deep.

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🌀😷🎧This weekend’s new release on is the 7-track album Psybur Space by US psydub artist Psybur. Another of Bandcamp’s “name your own price” releases.🎧😷🌀

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Salpuri dance is a dance that means to release evil in shamanic rituals.
The model of this illustration is an existing stray cat living in my neighborhood.

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Tribal GAN
Inspired by techno-shamanism practices, looped animation merges AI with tribalism.
First 2 editions got sold faster then expected
Next 2 editions for 5 tez

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Muriah Fact:

Because she has the Kuwe'awak (a cloak of shamanistic and Taur-ahe ancestry that translates to 'Tapestry of Origins') that allows her to grow fangs, she has a false tooth that contains a piece of the tapestry.

It helps her use its power without wearing the cloak.

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Some magical girl shows just had these characters be humans (or at least look human-like and I rarely see that now.) Shamanic Princess had Graham, Jubei-chan has Koinosuke and Ayunosuke, and Arjuna gave us Chris (who is a mess, jfc.)

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Original Polish title, ‘Gusła Słowian’, uses the archaic Polish word ‘gusła’ - a hard-to-translate concept comprising magic and rituals (mostly of shamanic nature)

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An adaptation of Shamanic princess light novel.

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I asked since I'm working on a chart for mascots and familiars (because insomnia is causing me to not rest much from surgery and I need distractions) and sometimes you'll get cute cats, lions, etc and then you have whatever the hell Shamanic Princess and Arjuna did.

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Chavag Bazhy is from Tuvinian (Indigenous Russian) mythology. They are shamanic helper spirits & are described as the 'grim owners of the forest.' They protect the shaman when he battles evil spirits.

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Maybe there's some bias but...Draenei are definitely my favourite fantasy race of all time. Religious, shamanistic, magic inclined, high-tech, spacefaring exiles. They're by far Warcraft's most unique race. I wish there was more non-sexualized fanart of Draenei.

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