There are many ways to lead the eye, but the strongest is often value contrast. Looney Tunes are great examples. Whites and Blacks are often saved for the main characters or framing the characters. Establishing good value hierarchy is one way to lead the eye

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Color is hard. Value is one way to reassess your work. Are your values separating in clear ways that tell your story? Have you grouped your values clearly? Is there value hierarchy to guide the audience's eye to where you want it?

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"I tend to tune out when someone tells me what I can and can't do on missions. If I get the objective done, what's the problem? "Protocol" and hierarchy just get in my way of having fun."

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I spent 3-4 weeks floundering on this old version. I hadn’t learned enough about visual hierarchy or narrative and ended up scrapping it. To revive that old idea I gave myself a deadline to finish the piece in 25 hours of working blocks, across 5 days.

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THREAD: Problems depicting HEAVEN # 1: Overpopulation.
Renaissance painters attempted to depict the vast number of saved souls in heaven plus the hierarchy of angels. The result: heaven is depicted as overpopulated & cramped. Hellish
Correggio - Assumption of the Virgin (1522-30)

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Zeta was that cool robot with the hologram powers, so of course he'd be outside the hierarchy

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I WAS RIGHT! I said that the Police created Ember to stop vigilantes and keep the hierarchy in order AND TODAY'S EPISODE PROVES IT! Gosh it's like I'm writing the story myself lol. If yall haven't been keeping up with the story, you NEED to

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Changed my horns & tail to fit the underworld hierarchy and did some poses under the moonlight, just for the hell of it. 😂

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maslow's hierarchy of needs

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Apparently, this is what the top of the dude hierarchy really is.

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Dodekatheon in Proclus’ order of causation part 2

'The gods and goddesses described in the following sections have been listed by order of their causes. However, it must not be misunderstood as being an explicit hierarchy of rulership.'

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I bow to Vivian Hierarchy

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Maslow's hierarchy of needs: This speed suit

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very blown out. However in the actual piece it's mainly midtones so that my rider and the background can still be important in the visual hierarchy of the image! THIS WAS HARD. It's hard not to paint an explosion like an explosion but still make it look like one.


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There is a new chapter of my webcomic, Nothing Special, up on today! Magical adventure, demon siblings with hierarchy issues, breakfast.... dead things? IF any of that interests you maybe give it a read and a RT?

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Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs

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Marie-Thérèse Reboul and Anne Vallayer-Coster not only faced a gender-based uphill battle to present their art, but also genre-focused hierarchy.

Learn about these two women that were kept from the recognition and remembrance they deserve 👉

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Luke GriffinがメインVo務めた作品だと、AcraniaのTyrannical Hierarchy: Vol 1が最高傑作かなあって思う。短くまとまっててテクニカルより勢いで突っ走ってる所がポイントだ。

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Social Structure in Ancient Egypt
The society of ancient Egypt was strictly divided into a hierarchy with the king at the top and then his vizier, the members of his court, priests and scribes, regional governors (eventually called 'nomarchs')...

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