Warning: has an increase in Kaiju attacks.

Warning's Warning: However, if YOU are a Kaiju, don't near Australia -- Cora WILL wrestle you.

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- Shell. Sheldon is a peculiar marine titan, scuttling by the coasts of the South American continent in search of beached whales to consume and maybe an occasional carcass of megafauna that the seas will toss onto the sands.

6 30


a very funky Ultraman villain 👽

6 11

Here are some few
(First two are for this year Kaijune, the other were from last year)

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Day 10 - Rivallry, the Fairy-Fire type Liberty Pokémon, fights with undying determination for the freedom of itself and others.

Thanks to Subjectively Jack for the prompt list.

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My last Kaiju, The Alpha 🌺
Created an alpha creature that had dominance over the rest but not because of size or power but from the pollen that comes off its flowers, controlling the others. ✨

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Day 11 & 12: Crowned and Shell
Name: Henrie
Height: 572ft

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