How you make a main cast THIS powerful man. love these 3 so much

19 104

everyone who said "alice kuonji cant have swag" look dumb as hell right now

23 96

Riddell is so funny man i really wish we got more of her...

4 13

wondering if Type Moon sells the Tobimaru 'Bring your cock' shirt as official merch 🤔

8 37

I'm telling you that Mahoyo 2 will have a scene with the blind fucking nun opening her eyes to reveal the most powerful mystic eyes in the Nasuverse and it will be the coolest thing ever

4 30

Eiri has so much potential to be just as good if not better than Kirei in the next Mahoyos....please Nasu continue the story i cannot take this anymore...

0 16

this vn is making me realise i might have some deep feelings for girls wearing sweaters...

16 95

Chef Alice is just the cutest thing

1 5

nah man nah there's no hiding it anymore I'm in love with this woman

1 18

this fight is so fucking sick you all wouldn't BELIEVE!

0 11

Every Alice sprite is so funny. I love this woman

11 60

everyone is this VN has incredible winter fashion sense

8 63

a visual novel should not be allowed to hold this much raw power

30 102

yo who's this she's so small and cute

8 54

Jojo fans when they see an unsucked cock

8 39

holy shit the whole amusement park section was good as fuck if they keep this level up for the rest of the story I'm in for SOMETHING man

2 15

I can now add Aoko to the hall of fame

34 91