Unsung Heroes of 7: Toru Suzuki (1930-2012, 鈴木昶), another figure who, like Michio Mikami, worked for nearly every FX team in Japan. His long career stretched from postwar Shin Toho to Shinji Higuchi's 2005 Lorelei. He also worked on several East Asian films.

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I think I’m going through a dark time in my life right now. This is what I use my art skills for…?

Ono Michio: The pride and joy of Onomichi! -Yakuza 6

9 12

POV: You just got caught selling fake Ono Michio figurines

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I love you so much Michio

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Something i made for a Webtoon in process called Winarat Heroes, name's Michio

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Hashire Melos!
Production: Toei Animation
Director: Masaaki Osumi
Designs: Hiroyuki Okiura, Satoshi Kon
Animators: Toshiyuki Inoue, Mitsuo Iso, Shinji Hashimoto, Michio Mihara, Kazuto Nakazawa,...

7 52

1st pic: Hokuto Ijuin's younger sister
2nd pic: Shouta Mitarai's 3 older sisters and mom
3rd pic: Tsubasa Kashiwagi's younger sister and brother
4th pic: Michio Hazama's younger sister

25 44

Happy Birthday to the former math teacher of S.E.M, Michio Hazama! We hope MichioP have a great day with him!

Trivia: Michio recognizes and remembers his past students (even just by name) when they send him fanmail!

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Oh no! It’s ono michio! And cleffa and clefairy! 🍊

10 44

7) imagine having a ship can't be me. i do think about my fangan ships though. rei and yumi... raiden and michio...
10) i don't think i can pick one but i like urara and seri's designs a lot! neapolitan ice cream butterfly and cone hair...
(art by ghoulgeists and erin)

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THIS IS THE BEST EVER 😭😭😭😭 Jiro’s confidence might have changed but years later michio and rui still have supported him the same way. LOOK AT HOW THEIR EXPRESSIONS R THE SAME IM GONNA CRY

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I RLLY RLLY LOVE THIS CARD.... i love how michio and rui are cheering him on in the unchanged, rui SO CUTE 🥺😭 sem all together is the BEST and jiros like 😏✨ AND THEN HE WHIPS OUT THE PONYTAILDJFJLALSJFKSLA wow

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Also unknown but the handwriting reminds me a bit of Michio Fukuda.

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I drew Miko and her mom Michio

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It's Michio, my No.1 best boy 💙💙
Also Asselin

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[RT appreciated] anyone want these? released in 2021 feb
rectangle badges at 440yen
rubber straps at 660yen

kaorus and michio are taken ofc!

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【Blooming Eternity】Michio Hazama

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Full art
Michio Hazama

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White Album 2 ~Closing Chapter~
Music: Answer (Instrumental)
Composition & Arrangement: Michio Kinugasa
Full: https://t.co/e5wdphHhuZ
VNDB: https://t.co/LVW0sA8Aok

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michio’s evolution ✨

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