Audubon and the park: In the days of Audubon : a tale of the "protector of birds," with an appendix on the formation of Audubon societies, by H Butterworth, 1901, BHL/Uni California......

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lovely to have this feature! Huzzah for nature, it's the one good thing that always gives hope and joy. And yes, let's all hibernate. Here are some of my of the beasts and birds Anita Rani mentioned. Nice one, !

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Thanks - LOVE her work! Here is some more.

Clockwise from top left: Bird's Nest & Ferns, 1863, ; Untitled, 1876, ; Bird's Nest in Cattails, c1875, ; Grass & Poison Ivy, c1880, .

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New blog out, on illustrating the ecosystem and evolution of and associated plants & animals at in Devon for

A tough one to visualise, but a lovely job to work on once it was drawn up!

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Blue passionflower, Passiflora Cerulea, c. 1826, by (#NancyWollstonecraft; American, 1791-1828), who was born (Oct 29). digital library, via (),

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Natural history and the park: Bilderbuch für Kinder : enthaltend eine angenehme Sammlung von Thieren, Pflanzen, Blumen, Früchten, FJ & C Bertuch, 1789-1830, BHL/Smithsonian.......3 vols.....

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Natural history and the park: Neighbors with claws and hoofs, and their kin. For boys and girls..... by James Johonnot, 1885, BHL/Uni California Library........

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Born in Vienna, 1797 - Ida Laura Pfeiffer née Reyer, traveller, collector of insects, molluscs, plants... More about her in to access book on the Internet Archive "The last travels of Ida Pfeiffer...", 1861:

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Gotta love a shrew. Even a bite-y, angry one.Small, bold, and (sometimes) fierce; a winning combination Here's one I illustrated for "Naming of the Shrew" by and others done for

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Butea Frondosa, by (Dutch, 1817-1892), who was born (Oct 12). Chromolithograph from Fleurs, Fruits et Feuillages Choisis de l'Ile de Java (1863-1880); source, ,

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Lizzie Harper Newsletter October 2020 -

The latest on Lizzie's work (including her best-ever job), blogs, films, & a podcast! Original illustrations to buy and a snapshot of an illustrator's life...

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Caterpillars and the park: Collection iconographique et historique des chenilles; ou, Description et figures des chenilles d'Europe, by JA Boisduval, et al, 1832, BHL/University of Illinois,

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Natural history and the park: Zoological illustrations, or, Original figures and descriptions of new, rare, or interesting animals ..... 3 vols........1829-1833.....BHL/Smithsonian.....

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📢Calling Artists + Biologists! —A FREE Illustration online course!✍️🏾—Drawing Nature, Science and Culture: Natural History Illustration, an award winning course by . — —Starts 10/7

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Begonia (Begonia albo-coccinea) by Sarah Ann Drake for Edwards's Botanical Register, Vol. 32 (1846). View in with thanks to the Raven Library of :

More from Sarah Ann Drake:

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