To a person who has no art in him, colors are colors,
tones tones...and that is all.
All their consequences for the human spirit, which range between heaven to hell,
just go unnoticed.

Emil Nolde

'Summer afternoon'

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Emil Nolde (1867-1956) Herbsthimmel am Meer circa 1940

Emil Nolde (born Emil Hansen; 7 August 1867 – 13 April 1956) was a German-Danish painter and printmaker.

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Mare I
Autore: Emil Nolde

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Emil Nolde

Obwohl selbst engagierter Nationalsozialist, werden mehr als 1000 seiner Werke als „entartete Kunst“ beschlagnahmt und er erhält von 1941 - 1945 Malverbot. In dieser Zeit entstehen seine „ungemalten Bilder“.

Brennendes Gehöft, undatiert

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대한민국 1등 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움

[작가] 오늘은 독일의 화가 『에밀 놀데(Emil Nolde)』가 태어난 날 입니다.
1867.08.07 - 1956.04.13
● Artist CV:

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Bed time..

Herbsthimmel am Meer

🎨 Emil Nolde

Good night tweeps.

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Emil Nolde (1867-1956), White And Red Amaryllis.

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Above the deep
above the heaving, deep blue sea
within the dark
within the storm-roiled, dark clouds
a shaft of light broke through --
by God, it broke through to reach me

🎨 Emil Nolde, "Light Breaking Through" ("Durchbrechendes Licht") (1950)

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Meu nome é Yoshikage Kila. Minha casa fica na palte noldeste do Bailo do Limoeilo, onde todas as moladias são. Eu tlabalho todos os dias pala ser o dono da lua. Eu cuido pala não me incomodar com quaisquer inimigos. Embola, se eu fosse lutar, eu tenho planos infaliveis.

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¿Os imaginais poder contemplar juntas obras de Max Beckmann, Chagall, Otto Dix, Max Ernst, Grosz, Heckel, Von Jawlenski, Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Kirchner, Kokoschka, El Lissitzky, Franz Marc, Metzinger, Mondrian, Otto Mueller, Nolde, Pechstein, Schmidt-Rottluff, Schwitters?

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Romantic Landscape. Emil Nolde.

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