Commander 2018 is a Vorthos Wonderland, and is here to explore the flavor gems it has to offer!

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Finally able to share the piece I made for MTG Tribute show! Flattered to be grouped with so many talented artists. Amazing work by all!

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Detail from a piece I've been working on for 's upcoming show, Tribute to 25 Years of Magic: the Gathering, It's my take on one of my favorite planes from the lore!

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They just showed off some new art on

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"Let's settle this the old Mardu way, first guy to die... loses!"
-𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘶 𝘊𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘰 𝘈𝘳𝘮𝘴

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"It's coming!"

The next episode of The Vorthos Cast, that is. Are you ready?

🎨: Infernal Spawn of Evil by Ron Spencer

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Can we talk about the Goblin wearing a Homonculus (or Okaun?) costume in the bottom left of art?

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I wanted to share this with Vorthos folks: we've never really seen Yawgmoth (the man) so I painted how I've always pictured him, in the scene where he seizes the Null Sphere, from "The Thran" by J. Robert King (favorite mtg novel!)

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Do you guys admire the beauty and serenity of Paris at night? Did you see the twinkly stars??⭐️
(...what do you mean i'm late to the fandom *whistles*)

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Tatyoa, Benthis Druid. Beautiful piece by Mathias Kollros. I'll be able to stare at this one and explore the shapes and movement and color for a long time. Almost makes me want to like Vodalians.

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Rona, Disciple of Gix by . Mask of Yawgmoth on her bauble. So calm, but sinister. Technological, but wreathed in fantasy. WOC getting to be a badass fantasy cyborg. Awesome piece.

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Tatyova, Benthic Druid by Mathias Kollros

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These are the two images we have for Core 2019 so far, so let's have a short thread of thoughts.

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Speaking of Shran, I just drew Archer tries to eat chocolate in front of him and Porthos the beagle. I mean Shran and puppy couldn't eat it bc it's toxic to Andorians and dogs.

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