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https://t.co/JgcPEJi19G Reisen's different color palettes from Antinomy of Common Flowers and Urban Legend in Limbo PS4, the last two were added in Antinomy of Common Flowers v1.10
Demon Turf, signé par les développeurs de Slime-san, sortira ce jeudi 4 novembre sur Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series et PC https://t.co/0U8hjJFZL2
Commemorating the fact that I've been playing Kingdom Hearts All in One since September on my PS4, plus Sora's arrival in Smash I did a spooky doodle :>
Im not going to draw another keyblade for a long time...
Ft. @BattleFennec
- Grand Theft Auto V (Ps3,Xbox 360,One,Ps4,Pc - 2013)
eu joguei ele por 17 horas... 16 delas foi esperando o game carregar
Nota - 8/10
Heute haben wir Star Ocean The Divine Force angekündigt! Das neue Sci-Fi-Fantasy-RPG erscheint 2022 für PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One und Steam. Erfahrt alles darüber auf unserem Blog: https://t.co/bVgVqZjBv3
NIS America has announced, on behalf of Nihon Falcom Corporation, that The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails will launch for PC in Japan on December 10. The PC port will be handled by PH3.
The English release is still set for 2023 on PS4, Switch, & PC:
If I make character posters for Spider-Man PS4, I think I can complete the cycle too. https://t.co/UKUERRZosq
I just saw Hollow Knight is discounted on PS4, I have no clues about the game but I heard the name often and the price is tempting.
It is an accessible game for a person with zero experience with metroidvania games? I really like the art style <__<
Platino 133 - LEGO Harry Potter: Años 1-4
Platino 134 - LEGO Harry Potter: Años 5-7
Tenía el gusanillo de comprarme la edición de PS4, pero no he podido esperar (gracias PSNow). Había leído muchas críticas hacia la segunda parte y creo que me ha gustado más que la primera.
GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition is now available for pre-order on PC, PS4, Xbox, PS5 and Switch at the #RockstarGames official store. #GTATrilogy will launch digitally on November 11, and physical copies will be released on December 6, 2021! https://t.co/QDh2PSFAu2
Le jeu d'aventure/shoot 'em up Yurukill : The Calumniation Games, avec une histoire créée par Homura Kawamoto (Gambling School/Kakegurui), disponible au printemps 2022 sur Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5 et PC avec une traduction française : https://t.co/dHfPErPBz2
Vegito, Gotenks, or both?
New Sub-Stories and difficulty levels for #DragonBall Z: Kakarot are now available on #PS4, #XboxOne and #PC! Get ready to unlock some of your favorite characters!
Out Today: Demon Slayer - Kimetsu No Yaiba - The Hinokami Chronicles
Platforms: PS4, PS5, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Developer: CyberComnect2
Publisher: Aniplex, Sega
Today is the day!! The Demon Slayer video game The Hinokami Chronicles is now available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, & Steam and you can play as Makomo!💜🗡Thank you for having me back @DemonSlayerUSA @demonslayer_hc @aniplexUSA @SEGA @mummynyan @staleybud & @BangZoom!
Console [KON-sohl] = (n.) control panel; game machine (e.g., PS4, Xbox, Switch)
Console [kuhn-SOHL] = (v.) to comfort
Jo’s pals tried to *console* [kuhn-SOHL] one another by playing co-op on their *console* [KON-sohl]. 😭🎮
#vocabulary #pronunciation
Le RPG Monark sortira le 25 février 2022 en Europe sur Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5 et PC : https://t.co/BR0pCORlvw
"와우! 와우! 와!"...
스팀으로 선행 출시되었던 '로도스도 전기: 디드리트 인 원더 라비린스'가 한국어 작업을 거쳐 PS4, PS5, 닌텐도 스위치로 발매될 예정입니다.
원작 소설의 공백기간을 보완/묘사한 탐색형 액션 게임으로, 한국어 화면은 이번 달에 공개할 예정입니다. 조금만 더 기다려주세요.
La version améliorée de Corpse Party arrive le 20 octobre sur Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One et PC en Occident https://t.co/u2dOIs6c6m #CorpseParty
Crysis Remastered Trilogy Release Date COUNTDOWN: Launch and Start Time in U.S., U.K., and Australia for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch https://t.co/lmHb801Sxb