요즘에 영상들 다시 정주행 하는 중

14 59

when back to look i didn't draw rhg to much but i still want to draw when i have a time to draw O(-(

39 274

some other doodles from 2020 to 2022 for oxob(new to old)
(lol I really like him but so lazy that just draw annually )

8 57

my favorite character oxob

8 45

*you broke one of bandu's phones and now he's coming to get your soul (the real caption:my au version of bandu tryna be an RHG character (even tho he's not a stickman))*

2 2

透视x布局x 我就烂(被打)

13 59

그래도 헛되지만은 않았지

17 104

I've now watched it over 16 times now

3 34

my first RHG fanart

12 73

So like. Dojo Duels in Hyun's Dojo Discord went for a lil trip down to Aegis RHG memorial. It was a fun trip

34 167