May I present Metra' Shatterhorn; Wrathgate survivor, Icecrown Frontline Solider, and long retired Veteran.

There are rumors the old woman has left her homestead on the Barrens to once again shoulder her axes against the undead forces that have arrived with the tear in the sky

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Trying to get used to my art style again. Anyway I drew engineer and solider being catboys 😐 because alot of ppl keep drawing tf2 characters as catboys 😵😵😵 yeah they r dating

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Here's a history themed picture I did of a cheetah solider of the 6th Connecticut regiment from around the time of the American Revolutionary war!

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✨#kinktober day 26✨ public use & mind break! I think he found his favorite duty as a solider, don't you think?

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Day 23, solider is a cloud (solider is one of my friends that I met through )

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Woo, 5 hours later, we got a new design. Get nice and comfey, because we got nice cold characters.

Name: Snowstorm
Alternatemode: Fighter jet
Job: Aerial fighter (retired), zero degree solider (retired), Seeker (retired), entertainment (singer and guitarist).

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Charles Martel était un chef militaire et prince des Francs.

Il est indissociable de la bataille de Poitiers en 732 où il combat l'incursion sarrasine des armées omeyyades. Il va établir une unité en Gaule et consolider un système féodal franc.

Il s'éteint le 22 octobre 741.

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and so the comic ends with the heroes not teaming up or anything. This reminds me of classic series Grant Morrison Sever Solider. hshshahskjdakjsdk. Sorry Brain broke there. Nowh hslsjdkajdksjdakjsdj FUCK ATTskdjkassjdkajskdja

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Here’s the Solider to continue my TF2 genderbend series!


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Paws and Balls - FluffySolider

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Here some fan art I made for webcomic that I love!
I got inspired by the Solider, Poet, and ruler meme and thought it fit this so whynot
Solider - Emily
Poet - Emma & Caleb
Ruler - Cody & Sunny

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Doctor Doom shows up and is killed by Hawkeye in one page. He wasn't even killed by the cool carny Hawkeye he was killed by standard boring solider Hawkeye.

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☕️Name: Kei
☕️Pronouns: She/Them
☕️Sign: Scorpio
☕️3 Games: FFXIV, Nier Automata, Devil May Cry
☕️3 Movies: Snow Piercer, Angel’s Egg, Captain America Winter Solider
☕️3 Shows: Friends, Evangelion, Devilman Crybaby

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We're getting some strong 90's action movie vibes from this alternative Captain America: The Winter Solider poster!

(Credit to YourMovieBuddy on Reddit)

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Not gonna lie, it doesn’t look much better than the Captain America Super Solider game from 2011

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AU if Mike and Reina were in Ancient china (prob aroubd tang dynasty). I have a story for this too where Mike is a commoner turned solider who is hired by the emperor to protect his daughter, the princess (reina). I have too many story ideas. I wish i can write/ draw faster TvT

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I originally made him for a Starfinder game that didn't happen, but i'm really happy with how he turned out!
He is a blind Vlaka solider

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Memories of summer... <3

Commission artwork for FluffySolider from Telegram

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