Our life is Our art. Vol.2
20181208 at Remy’s

4* もも花 (2/2)

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uma bruxinha cansada... tão cansada que acabou cochilando na vassoura...

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[FA] 💜❝남준아, 생일 축하해!❞💜 🌌#RMGalaxyDay 🌌
Happy birthday to the love of my life, my sunshine, my galaxy, Namjoonie!!! 💖
You deserve all the love and happiness!
I love you so much baby! 💜🌸

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Não dá pra ver mas ela tá correndo de um monstro-tesoura gigante pra ele não decepar o resto dos membros dela

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Artwork by

From the reclusive Soural clan, Tamashini is the first member to ever converse with the outside world, revealing their existence to the public. She claims her role is that of an emissary, but she seems to have other goals in mind.

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Lasius and Taba concepts, two tsourai clans. Lasius are belongs to the Surface and Taba are living in Padmire.

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Fanart da Leia Cabo de Vassoura do Ep 13 de Oswaldo feito pelo meu amigo Wily Bit

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Happy Meet Mansourasaurus, an important new sauropod from the end of the Age of Dinosaurs in Egypt, and a discovery supported by funding from the ! Read all about it here: https://t.co/jw1XnhqLWt

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新種Mansourasaurus shahinaeは、系統的にはアフリカ南部や南米の恐竜より、欧州やアジアの恐竜と密接に関連していることから、白亜紀後半にアフリカと欧州の間を移動していた恐竜がいくつか存在したことを示唆している

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エジプト、白亜紀後期の地層からティタノサウリア類、リソストリア類新種。Mansourasaurus shahinae 属名は発掘をリードした大学名から。この時代のアフリカの竜脚類進化の空白を埋めるもの。 https://t.co/GeaYjQH65x
論文 https://t.co/usSXmrKmhk

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The beautiful work of the Chinese animator & illustrator

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Ekko done! Charm format with frosted sourapple gumdrop background :D Hopefully in time for AX ^^

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On a aimé ceci sur : The Trinity! ~Grayson
(art by George Patsouras)

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loirão psicopata
tem fetiche por tesouras
gosta de esventrar ursos de pelúcia e arrancar olhos de gatinhos

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