was it because i picked terrorism as the crime i want to get away with https://t.co/6x4YUX9wOL

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"Tommy... join me, and let's destroy* L'Manberg."
**some minor terrorism may ensue


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call me old fashioned, but i was raised to take care of my husband

wash his clothes for him, make sure he’s up for committing genocide the next morning, help him undermine national security, be his stress toy after a hard day of terrorism

and that’s exactly wife i will be

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On their way to do some minor terrorism

1800 13245

more like terrorism

.. yeah i had fun last night

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‘John McClane’ … as played by Bruce Willis in John McTiernan’s ‘Die Hard’ … “ Come Out To The Coast, We'll Get Together, Have A Few Laughs!” …

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Anarchist pig convinces mentally unstable child to join him in minor ✨terrorism✨

What could go wrong

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// metal gear spoilers
I'm obsessed with big boss recently. dude had two boyfriends who were so loyal they were willing to die for him, and an ex-girlfriend who started an international conspiracy for him.
Bi icon (aside from all the terrorism and stuff)

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not my for sure no.1 but
unironcially probably almost all non sexual crimes including
war crimes

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BSAA was made after Umbrella's end on 2003.
It became the most important agency against Bioterrorism on 2005 once FBC was dissolved cause Lansdale's corruption thanks to Chris,Jill and O'Brian,3 of Original 11 founders

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Ajarkan anak-anak tentang Kebhinekaan bangsa sedari awal, tanpa itu Indonesia hanyalah negara kepulauan terpecah-pecah rapuh dan terjajah ego para penguasanya. Lawan Terrorism, Lawan Radikalisme.

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Saying that "stood by" while Saudis and allies pummeled is inadequate was/is helping them do these things

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Finally was able to do some Valkyrie art, not like I’ve loved this series since I was a kid or anything and have had plenty of time. Anyway, I love the Skulduggery Pleasant books, the world & the characters created in them, thanks for all the emotional terrorism ❤️

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My cartoon for the newspaper Utrop in Norway.

Muslims do not need to condemn terrorism

It must be assumed that Muslims, like all other normal citizens, condemn terror and murder, writes Vegar Jørgenstuen

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Against the oppression of the Shinra, against the eco-terrorism of the Avalanche, against the rebel group of Cloud and company.
Vote Jenova, vote for freedom. https://t.co/MxyFe5Q9et

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