Since most picked Fairy, I would probably have Clefable, Togekiss, Ninetales and Wimsicott as my typical 4-pokemon gym leader team. 💜
Now I gotta make this sprite. 👀

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Togekiss is the MVP in Pokemon Bushido! Thank you so much for watching my stream today! Tomorrow, I'm gonna stream SAR for SARturday stream with 💜so stay tuned! Togepog pic by X3

We raiding

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Artist: togekisspika35 | Source: | Derpi link:

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– Me and my togekiss. 🔔

❤️ + 🔁 = a Shiny Arceus with perfect ivs, haha

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Désolé pour les autres morts mais j'avais parié Togekiss un des icônes de memes dont le nom restera dans les annales, d'où le choix de couleurs de fond.

Dans nos cœurs, le sable est devenu un des pires ennemis.

Oui il est pas le seul la semaine dernière. 💛

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so... when misty met a princess she lost togetic and when dawn met a princess she got a togekiss....... life's funny

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Oh hecks ye! Sorry for late response btw, what would you like to do for your half? Like flat color, shaded or etc? Also here's the bby I'd like drawn (her name is Sherry art is by @/Togekisser )

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The most dressed up you will ever see Aiko lmao
Beret is actually why I did that poll before, I know Togekiss is more Easter-y but Noivern shapes hehehe
And Serena is all about entertainment!
Happy very late Easter!

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Oh LIT, I have a togekiss on my Shield team!!! His name is Pwyll and he’s a good floof 🥰
ftr I associate you with glaceon :)

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Kya and her team
1. Audino (normal)
2. Dewgong (water/ice)
3. Azumarill (water/fairy)
4. Swampert (water/ground)
5. Glaceon (ice)
6. Togekiss (fairy/flying)

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"PUTAIN DE TOGEKISS DE MERDE". Here's Fifounette-chan, or I must say : 「Fifounetteちゃん」☆ ~. I saw your livestream and couldn't resist to draw your vtubeur avatar or yourself as a waifu~ (so I drew both somehow). Enjoy :D

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just i show my bby, Iris, normally she's have a togekiss how partner

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Recently got a cutie from @/Togekisser I saw her and instantly fell in love with the design (her name is Sherry 💕)

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My Pokécademy AU character Togekiss, but finished art, Togeru Kichi. (Kichi is his first name)

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I also make Pokécademy
AU character, He's a Togekiss!

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Ended up finishing and polishing a design for the Pokécademy AU!
Spice also made a Togekiss one and I gotta say do check it out when they post, I’ll retweet it 👀

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Togekiss go go!
It's me and my best companion❤️

(Art by ruruu, adding a sunflower sticker as a watermark so her art won't be stolen❤️)

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A pokemon who is performing tricks and aerial maneuvers to protect the people with amazing care, including other Pokemon.

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Some flying egg babies to brighten up your saturday! I'm glad people like togekiss as much as I do. The back-orders for this pin are up here:

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