Hai Gw Eve Mayria salam kenal thehehe~

Aku adalah salah satu Vtuber baru yang Coming soon, salam kenal ya..

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hi! I have logo for adop, my client cancelled it, since we cant agree with this style, if you are interest with this logo I can change it to your name and make it yours.

the price only $35

10 24

As a promised, here's this week Vtuber fanart who came to my as a guest, Tamaneko Meiriya. 🎉☺️🙏

and here's the link to my stream

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🎉🎉🎉🎉Congrats for 100k subscribers nya kak Semoga makin maju trus bwat kedepannya dan juga sukses selalu


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Saya membuka jasa komisi, karena saya ingin mengenal lebih dalam tentang para Vtuber Indonesia dan bisa berteman dengan kalian semua!

Untuk pembayaran bisa via GOPAY!~

Terima kasih!~

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Wish you all the best>~<❤️❤️❤️❤️
Cayang mamaaaaaa❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

1 17

🎃!!happy halloween!!🎃
Trick Or Treat! Bagiii Nalla permen atau Nalla hantuiinnn!! Ufufufuu~👻


Art :


2 20

Done..!! ☺️
Fanart of one my Indonesian indie Vtuber Reina Blanka.
Thanks for coming my show as a guest, and grats for 1k Subs senpai..!!! 🎉🎉🎉😊

Check the stream here...

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Hampir lupa upload FanArt nya bang Jaret yang di video kemaren~ 💃💃 I simp you bang
Video speed drawing nya bisa diliat di sini : https://t.co/yxigSfCrAh

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haihoo~ nanti malam Futsuri akan main Idolm lagi special halloween~~ jam 19:30 WIB mampir yah ^^, jangan lupa tekan lonceng biar gk ketinggalan notifikasi terbaru ☺

waiting room : https://t.co/pG65QLZKyb

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Hey Guys, this is a photo of me when I was in a universe similar to where I used to live "Oxelitra"
What do you think, cool right?

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Hey Guys, this is a photo of me when I was in a universe similar to where I used to live "Oxelitra"
What do you think, cool right?

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