Tonight we are once again with more grinding. Responding to the SOS' that shoot into sky like shooting stars upon a barren space.

As we assist. The tunes of Metal and headbanging riffs shall guide our slaughter! MWHAHA *coughs*

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More slicing? Yes. More monsters? Yes. Flying and swishing around like a anime trash character? uh...Yes. Yeap.

Woe and be told its more As nothing else sparks a light to play. So we are gonna help people out... Again.

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Hell Hath No Fury ... In 5!

War has finished his mission, yet three more entities hurtle towards the Earth. We step into the heeled boots of Fury in The horsemen aren't finished yet!

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Ride It Like You Stole It! We're on Twitch in 5!

More with me! Arthur's started on his winding road to redemption after some dark news, that's if Dutch doesn't kill us first! Did I mention Michas a prick?

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Evening Wastelanders. Time to get that radiation! Or to be brutal murdered by a raider. Or a mutated insect.

So we are with more New California. Featuring crashes! Jazz music! horrible deaths!. Fun times am I right?!

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Come With Me! Into Madness!

We're with on

Some delightfully dark Lovecraftian horror is about to unfold and, I'm a little nervous!

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Its all coming together now. The button has been burnt. Theres a stench of charred human. Its the Arson desk of The last desk of this tale.

What dirt will we find on those who got us here? Who's feathers did we ruffle Cole?

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Get your drinks mixed people cause we are with more and tonight we are putting the bloody mess of Homicide behind us to move... Forward? With the most questionable desk around. Ad Vice.

We're gonna need all the Jazz for this.

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Heretics and Rants

There is nothing greater than being on a sunday evening with Space Marnie killing heretic and me ranting at how pathetic my Bolter is. Oh how it spits out candy canes to my enemies. Blasted Relicpriests

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Metal and Monsters

Its says it all. with the full power of metal blasting through your souls as you raise your weapon to only be befallen by the magical evil that is the hitboxes. HITBOXES MAN.

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I SAY AGAIN WE'RE PLAYING Ahem. Right. We are with the sweet screams of monsters being terrorized by yours truely.

The Amateur Glaive User Jazz and I decree that all shall know my amateurism

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"Subversive Artwork That Breaks Free of the 'Pale, Male, and Stale' Art World."

Massive thank you to and for profiling our exhibition! 💛 x

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I'm showing this re-work of an old editorial job for in a new exhibition called 'Neither Here, Nor There' on at until the end of Sept!

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Back with streaming today! 7PM BST playing a new game Dig Or Die! A Terraria, base building, defense type thing. Should be fun! Also a few snippets of news throughout the stream.

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'Mount Rushmore' by . On display at '100 Years, Today's Woman' 14 - 18 March 2018 LSE Library

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'Incir' by Yasmin Falahat
"Being a mix of Iranian and Turkish but not feeling enough of either, my main connection to my culture is food. I feel a bit like an alien a lot of the time so I wanted to show the food in an alien, other-wordly & almost unrecognisable way."

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