Death from above!

Lady Vex'ahlia, Baroness of the Third House of Whitestone and Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt
Here it is! My fan art of the lovely Vex and trinket of course

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WIP. Kraven, Ranger of the Grey Hunt of Whitestone

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8. Firepelt
The oldest warrior of LeafClan, father of Desertpaw. He's basically the Whitestorm of my book

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And here’s Whitestorm and Willowpelts’s litter, plus Brackenfur

Sootfur is badger fodder
Sorreltail and her Husband Brackenfur make my heart melt
And Rainwhisker died off screen,

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can we get some more dubious girls in the chat?
odete is good at her core but guided (and sometimes blinded) by her unwavering faith
whitestep is a bad lady, having tortured and hunted those that would threaten her idea of a quel'thalas reborn, freed of their sins

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우리는 왕관을 쓴 여군주에게 절을 하네;
세상은 두려움에 떨게 되리라
겨울의 가장 새하얀 가운을 입은
그녀의 눈(雪)이 죽은 자들을 감싸며 가리네...
We bow to She who wears the crown;
Let the world shiver with dread.
Clad in winter’s whitest gown,
Her snow enshrouds the dead...

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塩沢かれん個展 『光のオルゴール』

会場:Whitestonegallery新館 2階
時間:11:00 - 19:00
定休日: 月曜日

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塩沢かれん個展 『光のオルゴール』

会場:Whitestonegallery新館 2階
時間:11:00 - 19:00
定休日: 日曜日/月曜日

4 24


塩沢かれん個展 『光のオルゴール』

会場:Whitestonegallery新館 2階
時間:11:00 - 19:00
定休日: 日曜日/月曜日

5 23

Illustrations from "Bluestar's Prophesy"

1. Bluepaw, Crookedpaw and Snowpaw
2. Bluepaw
3. Bluefur and Oakheart
4. Bluestar, Whitestorm and Rusty

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With their friends rescued from the Death Tyrant's grasp, and teleported into territory of the Herd of Storms, just beyond Whitestone. A new chapter begins for the Elysian Vagabonds tonight! What lies ahead? @ 8:30ct

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塩沢かれん個展 『光のオルゴール』

会場:Whitestonegallery新館 2階
時間:11:00 - 19:00
定休日: 日曜日/月曜日

5 29