Nice to meet all of you In Zodi! I'm a sfw and nsfw artist as well as digital and traditional! Here is some of my artwork and if you want to check out the nsfw stuff go to

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Aaah I love this trend so much! So the girl with the pink hair is Zodi my OC,mascot and a self portrait basically xD

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Hello! I'm Zodi a digital and sometimes traditional artist! :) I aspire to be a freelance artist so any support would be highly appreciated ♡

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Hello I'm Zodi a digital and sometimes traditional artist!

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Hi I'm Zodi! Digital artist, sometimes traditional and aspiring freelance artist, any kind of support would be highly appreciated! ♡

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Hello I'm Zodi! Digital and traditional artist, aspiring freelance artist so any kind of support would be highly appreciated ♡

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Hey people I'm Zodi nice to meet all of you ♡

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Hello I'm Zodi I'm a digital (and sometimes traditional) artist and aspiring freelance artist so any kind of support would be helpful and highly appreciated! ♡

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Hello I'm Zodi I do art things...or at least I try! :D

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Hello! I'm Zodi I'm a aspiring artist and also a NSFW artist! My nsfw account is I'd be really glad if you'd check out both of my accounts ♡

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Digital paintings for comic commission I’m doing. It’s pretty fun so far but here are three paintings of four characters. First is myra next are amy and may and next is abaceus. Hope you like it and check out the comic the zodi

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