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Continuing Fausts Alptraum!
Come watch big brain piggy

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The Cowgirl ''CJ'' Joceline
Faust: I dont think real cowgirls wear something like that.
Joceline: Say that to everybody who just saw me.

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Faust players be like:

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Dialysis 💉 (Faustine sketch i was too lazy to finish 😤)

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The deadly Fool’s Parsley ☠️ (Aethusa) contains poisonous alkaloids and is responsible for much of the death-related folklore surrounding its look-alike the common Cow Parsley.

Plate by Grandville (1803-1847) 💛

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Thanxs for the tag!
I'm Franny and I hope u like some of my art!!

Also I have my youtube channel, it is "frannyfaustino", so if u could check out I will be glad.

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Poppy seeds are associated with sleep & dreams due to their soporific properties, but also w/ death. However, in fairy tales, the task of separating poppy seeds from the dirt carries the teaching that death is essential as a transformative process toward rebirth.

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Mandrake is part of the nightshade family. Its long root resembles the human form. Since ancient times it is believed to have magical properties, the power to increase wealth, overcome infertility & aphrodisiacal qualities. Best not ingest as it is highly toxic.

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Belladonna, or deadly nightshade: a poisonous herb. Mixed with morphine from the opium poppy, it would induce the anaesthetic ‘twilight sleep’, believed to have been used by Queen Victoria during childbirth. Symbolism: silence, death, falsehood.


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Bellona was an ancient Roman war goddess with a close but ambiguous relation to Mars. The deadly belladonna plant was sacred to her and her devotees and priests would use small amounts to induce hallucinations.

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It's the berries of the Belladonna that is most deadly. This plant can shut down the bodys ability to regulate breathing & heart rate, leading to ⚰ Not all doom & gloom though! It can treat some illnesses/diseases with the right dosage.

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some doodles of younger Faust. He didn't always look the way he does!!

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someone at arcsys REALLY hated Faust because every single one of his attacks are not only minus on block but also all of them have hurtboxes covering the entirety of it, look at the difference between Faust's j.D (one of his best moves btw) and Ram's j.H with H sword

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It was a few years ago we wanted to create a new piece of fan art for Warframe, the inspiration is the Faust demon design from Devil May Cry 4, plus some deep sea creature elements. Sevagoth has changed much since then but the inspiration is there !

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IT'S 3 DOLLARS AND IT HAS MAY and also like Johnny and Faust who seem like Unknown Shadow characters

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...MAIS pour une des œuvres, de Peter Flötner, je me suis lancé dans une traduction du vieil allemand, du coup tant que j’aurai pas croisé mon vieux maître faustien pour valider ma trad je ne pourrais pas la mettre en ligne

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