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So, I've been playing and I can confirm that Hibari is indeed best girl.
Took a little sketch to a quick finish to boot!

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Don’t know much about shibari or still a relatively new creator? That’s okay! Every application will be accepted, regardless of experience!

Sign up as a writer, artist, or both today! :

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AND volume two is starting this issue too, with development between these finecmen, and hopefully that snake who is doing a particularly fine job at shibari. Beautiful job, sweetie.

I need to go buy this rn

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Feat. Asuka Sexy Pairings With Yumi, Hibari and Ikaruga 😳😳😳🤗🤗🤗

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hell, just take that "surrounded by flowers while looking sweet and pretty" frame and hibari is no different from any beautiful girl in an 80s anime

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something that have always picked my attention is that hibari, the trans girl, is drawn as beautifully as any eguchi girl, while the "mean girls" who are jealous and want to "expose" her get the silly caricature treatment

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nawa-shibari momiji

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(She/They) Shibari tentacle bukkake????? I guess???? shibari is hard to draw correctly

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Pas sûr de passer ce petit comparo dans ma chronique BD de jeudi, mais j'aime trop ce clin d'oeil aux Woman Gambler (Nikkatsu Action) dans Hibari Kun pour ne pas le partager. Une fille qui est en fait un garçon qui mime ici une fille qui s'incruste dans un métier réservé aux mecs

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