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Interesting thought experiment; overall I think I choose:
Ugh, it's cringy for me now but if it wasn't for these shows I probably wouldn't be drawing. #animestruck4
When I think of the kinda games that make me smile.😋 #GameStruck4
#AnimeStruck4. (I omitted Free! because that would just be predictable 😂)
僕の人生に影響を与えたゲームタイトルは間違いなくこの4作だわな。はじめてのRPGがマリオでハマって何周もやってしまったRPGがMOTHER2、学生の頃やり始めたFPSがSuddenAttackで、L4D2は俺から3000時間を奪ったタイトルw #GameStruck4
#GameStruck4 Primera ronda de los juegos que cuando chica hicieron que iniciara mi amor por los videojuegos
#tinytunesadventures #jazzjackrabbit #tombraider #pokemonred
Hard to pick just four. This may be inaccurate. #AnimeStruck4
1. Outlaw Star
2. Getbackers
3. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
4. Blood Blockade Battlefront
#GameStruck4 games that Really influenced me ... So hard picking just 4
Games that had the biggest impact on my life? There are way too many... A lot of titles are close to my heart. But if I had to choose just 4: