画質 高画質

คนอื่นเขาแต่งฟิต วาดเสพสนองนีทกันส่วนฉันนั้น---

230 259


303 1390

I am very bad at summaries... especially for this one... 😅
But The Golden Eyed Girl is now LIVE! 💚💛
A one-shot!?
Legit rewrote the ending several times, until I was satisfied with the one I came up with 😌!
Plz enjoy~! 💖❤

23 161

I just realized that this is one of my fave pair dynamics I suppose :'v

also-- Lumine baby sitting qiqi ☺️👉👈💕

106 527

Finished! Fellow Xiao fanss, ready for the lantern rite festival!!! ≧▽≦)

Adding filter to differ a bit from insta version..also byebye long hair...

18 105

tw // blood, injury
"if a day comes where even you are taken by the darkness, it will be up to me."

888 5058

« Sexy back on my way back home »

25 189

i have no idea how did i come to it adfijgalfvjnal
xiao and his tiny (girl)friend lumine

30 149

Finish this one XD I'll finish the other wip tomorrow uwu

ps: Im still practicing 😭

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36 168

I was listening "I see in you the light-Tangled" while I was drawing this 😳is a rough sketch

117 594

thing that I couldn't stop thinking about after I watched the Lantern Rite Festival trailer for the 100th time.

In other news, I head we'll be asking him to accompany us during the festival ksksksks

75 373