画質 高画質

居並ぶ同時代作家たちを前に、活字化を目前に控えた自作短篇「ベルガモのペスト」Pesten i Bergamo(1882)を朗読するJ.P.ヤコブセン(1847-1885)。イーレク・ヘニングセン画(1910年)。

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Some great behind the scenes shots of Bob Geldof on the set of 'Pink Floyd The Wall' (1982)

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(No.82) ついやすことば

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双葉社 アルタコミックス 田丸ようすけ「肉弾むちむち」(1982)

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Sorceress (1982), 80s fantasy w/ naked barbarians & manticore God https://t.co/i37BI3dJv6

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マンガ XtremeTricksyCats (182)
「最近、ロジャー・ウォータースさんですか?って云われるんだ」by リチャード・ギア

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THE THING (John Carpenter, 1982) | poster by Tomasz Opasinski |

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soundtrack of the week is Giorgio Moroder's score for - CAT PEOPLE (1982) https://t.co/dvunhEAGKO

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とらぶるぱい : 西連寺春菜&ララ【私服】To LOVEる 壁紙・画像(282) https://t.co/33JP9vxAbe

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Ted Wiprud. "El Diablo como bufón" (1982).

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Elephant vs. Rhino, from Paré's book on the medicinal virtues of mummy and unicorn (1582). https://t.co/QeFTp1H59h

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RUNNER (1982) by Ridley Scott after Philip K.Dick great by Casey Callender & lobby cards

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OUT (08/1982) - An ad for Space Runaway Ideon movies. http://t.co/A1fD0Ywydo

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Terry Gilliam and George Harrison on the set of Time Bandits (1982).

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33 years ago today (21/5/1982) - The Haçienda opens its doors for the first time...

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