画質 高画質

Here are some of the process bits I took while working on it: initial sketch/idea ➡️ refined lineart ➡️ color studies ➡️ flat colors 🌈💛

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Stream commissions

all Colored Sketch/

46 254

Collab avec ! Il a fait le sketch/line et moi la colo///
C'était super à faire blblbl
C'est nos oc Inu (à lui) et Ash (à moi) ~

8 40

First collab in a long time with my good friend He did the sketch/line-art while I did the coloring and shading! Check out his twitter page and DA trust me ya won't regret it!!

1 7

Collab des 1 an du kidnaping de cerrus par nos fantrolls le duo praghan (aka des clowns) parce que c t bo

Sketch/Line + Prag : rushikazegawa (da) ( https://t.co/27gyRqjqIY )
Colo + Han : moi
Cerrus :à ivoir3 (da)

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Sketch/ Idea concept to Finnished painting 🌸💕

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wip! from sketch/ink to colour

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sketch/illustration for fun, I would've called this a warm-up sketch if it didnt take a whole freaking night to draw.
I suck really bad at drawing background so most of the time I just shove what ever comes up in my mind in and mix them together

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everyday lol just a super sloppy sketch/color of as 💫ugh love her lol

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Done Art collab with meh bro :3
Sketch/Lineart/Base color
Thank you for this opportunity
I was so honored to work with you u3u

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When the artist jabs you with a sloppy sketch/lineart WIP (that they just did after you asked for it a day ago) just so you don't get a refund and get blacklisted for their irresponsible behaviour.

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I've never done these before, thought I'd give it a shot!

🔶Simple sketch/flat color commissions🔷

🔹$5 waist-up
🔹$8 full body
🔸SFW only
🔸No blood/gore/guts

PM if interested!

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Two other sketch/fast fullbody commissions for and !

13 67

[SKETCH/Doodle] " How to drink milk in my style "

70 352

collab with her sketch/layout and my lines/colors

14 79

I'm a bit rusty, but figured what the heck, I'll do a quick digital sketch/watercolor doodle of your avatar! One of these days I'll find my old reference images and do a better job of it. 😛

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a ryo colab i did with owoOEWOOWOOWO i did the sketch/whateverthatis and he colored it ((smashES POTS TOGETHER)) TEACH ME HOW TO C

8 24

Quick sketch/Fanart of GrayFox vs MetalGearRex <3

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Cocollab with !
We watched Coco yesterday and wanted to cry cos the movie was so good, I cannot recommend it enough hdkgjfgd
(They did sketch/line/colour, I did blocking/background/shading)

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