画質 高画質

I'm taking a few haikyuu!! doodle requests on instagram to celebrate s4, feel free to leave a suggestion here too 👀🎉

today I offer you a smol kuroken and an excited tsukki (when it's shortcake day 🍰)

236 620

5th of January is Kuroken day ♥

Wanted to draw a little something to celebrate~

62 149

kuroo tetsurou always looking at the same exact person in haikyuu official art, a thread in honor of kuroken day:

137 407

It's Kuroken day !! I'll try to make something...in the meantime here are some of my fav old krkn arts 🐟🍮

30 69

apparently its kuroken day and i already drew these two recently so happy kuroken day aha

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A short comic abt ... blurry vision. Had to cut out one though bc of the 4 pic lim.

2 8

Silly Kuroken comic just because (?)

1 3

bokuakakuroken stickers are (finally) here!!! 🐸✨

come get them here (w/o the watermark): https://t.co/ZR6zWayQbk

68 199

kuroken startin the new year cozy and lazy 💤
's posts always makin me think of cozy kuroken and its 👌👌👌✨✨

32 56

Hello everyone, I'm running an interest check and mod application to see if anyone is interested in a kuroken zine and/or they'd like to help mod it.

Interest Check ==> https://t.co/ESjr8byrUP

Mod Application ==> https://t.co/DSsqMzieOo

Please spread the word, thank you!!!

14 23

merry christmas 🙈 plz enjoy a happy kuroken 😌💗

18 33

Детективная/полицейская ау по Курокенам. 90-е, лето, знойная жара. Действие разворачивается в штате Арканзас. Куроо отправляют работать в паре с Козуме Кенмой. Они расследуют череду убийств, в которых замешаны обряды наркосатанистов.

28 165

merry christmas to christmas kuroken only🎄🎅

36 103

My for ! I hope you enjoy this kuroken, I had a fun time making this!! Merry Christmas! 😊

38 118

Hello everyone!

I'm running an interest check to see if anyone is interested in a kuroken zine. Please fill out this form if interested!

==> https://t.co/YaD0UMBX9P

Please spread the word as well!!! Thank you so much!!!

41 68

hq rkgk
I don't go here but I want them to be rich & hot.

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— here’s a kuroken doodle inspired but a tweet from

20 45