画質 高画質

Razas jugables que quiero en Shadowlands: gárgolas, POLLITOS y faunos POR FAVOR

2 7

Suuuuper into the Night Fae already! Shadowlands is looking awesome! Couldn't resist drawing a dryad

215 1171

[#WoW] Galería de ilustraciones, capturas y artes conceptuales de las novedades mostradas en la sobre Shadowlands.


23 72

[#Blizzard] Logos de las principales novedades presentadas durante la

- Shadowlands
- El Descenso de los Dragones

30 102

Dreaming of running around with a transmogged Sulfuras or Thunderfury? Or even an extremely rare Atiesh? Dream no further - Legendaries will finally be transmoggable in Shadowlands!


99 829

Will windsteeds be tameable? Based on Qilin / Kirin from Chinese & Japanese myth, they were created for Pandaria but had to wait 4 more expansions to finally appear in the game (aside from a mount), in Shadowlands. A shame for such an incredible model.

10 47

it's everyone's favorite darkmoon faire jester (and secret dragon), Clown!

practice with ambient occlusion turned into, i think, the best portrait i've done of her yet! i hope blizz adds more customization to gnomes so i can play her in shadowlands ...

3 14

My favorite gif so far

565 1611

[#WoW] Artes conceptuales de las nuevas zonas de Shadowlands.

49 94

Yeih tuve la oportunidad de jugar la demo me encanto en nuevo mapa 😍

0 1

Super exited for woe shadowlands, its so awesome how the story keeps progressing. Also a campaing in OW was all I asked for 😍

1 5

Who will you meet again on the other side?

35 252

Shadowlands concept arts ❤

6 47

My choice is clear!!!! Absolutely AMAZING new species coming to WoW in Shadowlands!

5 22

I'm gonna be pretty bummed if we don't get these critters and this fluffy owl chonk as battle pets in Shadowlands

5 66