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Kickstarter Update #7: Game Journal #3, Fragged Kingdom Range and Mass Combat.
Commission for @Dash_McCleer of his super cute and hyper chest bat. Was a total treat to work on this
I'm Bat...maid! Crime fighter of the deep blue! #mermay #cartoon #drawing #draweveryday #digital #sketch #sketchy #mermaid #illustration
This gargoyle is a stone cold….bat. Stone Sentinel Camazotz is coming to 4.9! #NineTailedTerror
Based on the Original Sprites from Pokemon Gen 1.
Zubat and Golbat...
Get your Repels ready.
@boxrZhu @mcc_nfreak said I had to tweet this at you.
This is ZhuBat.
Fursona update. I have a new secondary sona. She's a leaf nosed, shy bat. I love her tbh,
I will still use Shaia as my main sona tho.
I've decided to call her Linnea. She's also an acrobat. (I love her a lot)
commissioned @MarshmallowDoof to draw Nicki, my new bat. Thank you so much, it looks great!
Shibuya, played by @pigfacedlady
She killed a clown with that bat. He popped. it was gross. For context, go listen to @roll2breathe!
Drew the Night Witch and her l'il Bat. #ClashRoyale #Artwork #Drawing #NightWitch
"Here begins the epitome on the knightly art of combat..."
The Four Guards of Johannes Liechtenauer, drawn by @ritwells
@boulapoire @GKPlugInBaby @gautoz ce débat. La dernière version sur le site devrait diluer tout ça.
yes, it's late. here is mushy superbat. Country boy and city boy.
Another thank you, to @PublishersWkly: "[A] powerful story of a musical performance that defied the horror of combat. ..."